你的个性会影响你的作品集吗? 新的研究给出了肯定的答案

Academic researchers have been exploring how investors’ personalities might affect their financial decisions and wealth outcomes.

在一项研究中,三位澳门威尼斯人学教授(Dr. Zhengyang Jiang from Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management, 伦敦经济学院的Cameron Peng说, and Hongjun Yan from DePaul University’s Driehaus College of Business) surveyed more than 3,000 members of the American Association of Individual Investors — a relatively sophisticated group of market 参与者. These researchers examined correlations between five personality traits and the investors’ market expectations and portfolio allocations.1

Another study (by Mark Fenton-O’Creevy from The Open University Business School and Adrian Furnham from the BI Norwegian School of Management) involved more than 3,000 U.K. 参与者. These authors looked for correlations between the same five personality traits and three measures of wealth: property, 储蓄与投资, 还有实物项目.2

Here’s a look at how these studies were conducted and some of their key findings, which may offer insight into how you can make more fruitful financial decisions.


Both studies were designed around the “Big Five” model of personality, which has long been used by psychologists to measure people’s personalities and identify their dominant tendencies, 基于五大特征. These traits are openness to experience (curious and creative), 责任心(有组织,有责任心), 外向性(善于交际和行动导向), 宜人性(合作和共情), and neuroticism (emotionally unstable and worry-prone).

Each participant was rated on a spectrum for each trait according to how they answered survey questions, the results of which typically capture how individuals differ from one another in terms of their feelings, 首选项, 和行为.


The first study pinpointed two traits that were closely correlated with investors’ market perceptions and 投资 behavior: openness and neuroticism. Investors who scored high for openness entertained the possibility of extreme market swings, 但我们更愿意承担风险, and they allocated a larger share of their 投资 portfolios to stocks. Highly neurotic personalities were pessimistic about market performance, 更担心潜在的崩溃, and had a smaller portion of their assets invested in stocks. The data also showed that investors who scored higher on neuroticism and 外向性 were more likely to buy certain 投资s when they became popular with people around them — which could easily take them down the wrong road.3

The second study found that conscientiousness was positively correlated with all three measures of wealth, 甚至比教育水平更重要, often because this personality type brings a diligent approach to saving and investing. 不幸的是, 和蔼可亲的特点, 外向性, and neuroticism were associated with lower lifetime wealth accumulation. Highly agreeable people may devote more of their money to helping others and might also be more vulnerable to financial scams, 而外向的人则更容易冲动消费.4

Both studies found common ground in one respect: highly neurotic investors tend to be risk-averse, and their volatility fears may cause them to have overly conservative portfolios.

投资于股票的投资组合份额, by personality type

投资于股票的投资组合份额, 性格类型:非常神经质, 56%; least neurotic, 64%; very open, 62%; least open, 59%

来源: 《澳门威尼斯人娱乐城》2023年5月19日


You might take some time to consider how your personality impacts the many financial decisions that you make in life. Becoming more self-aware may help you tap into your strengths and counter any weaknesses that could prevent you from reaching your goals.

Even the most experienced investors can fall into psychological traps, but having a long-term perspective and a thoughtfully crafted investing strategy may help you avoid costly, emotion-driven错误. 也, discussing your concerns with an objective financial professional might help you deal with tendencies that could potentially cloud your judgment.

所有投资都有风险, 包括可能的本金损失, and there is no guarantee that any 投资 strategy will be successful. Although there is no assurance that working with a financial professional will improve 投资 results, 澳门威尼斯人专业人士可以提供教育, 确定适当的策略, and help you consider options that could have a substantial effect on your long-term financial prospects.